Investing in government bonds is attracting a lot of attention Herding or “running with the pack” is one of a number of well documented psychological biases that inhibit our ability…
What are the key differences in behaviour that help define the distinction between speculators and investors? What do your behaviours say about you?
Speculation has been defined as the assumption of risk in anticipation of gain. Compared to investing, it tends to be associated with higher risks and achieving quicker and larger gains. It generally involves a “bottom up” approach that treats each risk as separate and distinct. It includes elements of stock selection, market timing and forecasting. Investment, on the other hand, employs a “top down” approach that avoids focus on the separate risks and short term outcomes in favour of a focus on the characteristics of the whole portfolio.
What you live off when you’re not working … In our introductory meetings with potential new clients, we want to obtain a preliminary view of their “Net Investment Wealth”. It…
They make used car salesmen look good … The financial planning industry (and a number of accountants dubiously playing on the edge) has come under intense fire recently. The downturn…
Years ago at a foreign exchange course we were asked to participate in a practical simulation game. Prior to commencing the game one of the participants had a moment of…
Money to live … It is not at all uncommon for those in retirement and near retirement to be concerned about the amount of cash distributions their investment portfolio is…