How can I protect against a loss of investment capital? Since the GFC there’s been a lot of talk about ways to protect investment portfolios from the types of falls…
What is index investing? Many investors shy away from index investing because they deem it to be too naïve for their investment purposes. There’s definitely a higher seduction factor associated…
In investment terminology, “alpha” refers to the level of outperformance of a portfolio relative to an appropriate benchmark. Of course, everyone would like to achieve returns in excess of their benchmark. But you’re advised to have a good grasp of the cost and chance of achieving alpha before you decide to chase it.
Strong Aussie dollar wipes out international share gains … In our recent article, “Should you hold international shares in your investment portfolio?”, we argued that there are diversification or risk…
Is franking a free lunch … Many D-I-Y investors skew their investment portfolios towards shares that pay franked dividends. This is particularly prevalent amongst trustees of self managed superannuation funds…